A bit about Vonda.
Vonda Kunz: CCBE, CBD(DONA), CPD, NRP, CPR, AED, First Responder, Second Attendant Midwifery Assistant, Monitrice, Birth Photographer, Placenta Encapsulater, Massage therapist, and much more. a lover of Jesus and others.
Vonda became a Birth Doula in 1983, later beginning her journey as a postpartum doula, Student Midwife, Second Attendant Midwifery Assistant, and Montrice while assisting in homebirths, hospital births, and births in birth centers.
She married in 1984 to the love of her life, had 4 amazing children at home, and now has 10 grandchildren. Her family moved to Fruita, Colorado in 1996, moving again to Montrose, Colorado in 2012, where she now resides. She raised her family and continued her doula and midwifery journey, serving, supporting, ministering, and counseling women and their families.
She has been taught through the experience of many different wise and seasoned midwives in and throughout Utah and Colorado. Once her baby graduated high school in 2009, she started college at MCU (Midwives Collage of Utah) to obtain her bachelor’s degree in midwifery. After 3 ½ years, much thought, and a ton of prayer, she quit school to help her family in their time of need. 2 years later she was again reinstated at MCU and attended for another 3 ½ years. However; an unexpected accident caused her once again to quit school. Although the calling has always been confirmed through several avenues, God did not allow her to graduate.
She now believes this was also God’s will as He was taking her in a different direction, as a birth keeper, also known as an authentic midwife, a birth keeper, a lay midwife, or a traditional birth attendant. This is a woman who walks with women during pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and beyond. birth is not a medical event, but rather a physiological process.
Throughout her years she has taken numerous community, online, and college courses. She has learned many different skills, and modalities and became certified in many things. For decades she served volunteering in her community and in local churches where she attended; as the head of women’s ministry, teaching both women and youth groups in and outside of her home and ministering on worship teams.
She has a servant at heart, is a quality time, physical touch, words of affirmation person, who loves Jesus and others. She was gifted with leadership, hospitality, service, teaching, exhortation and encouragement, administration, faith, and discernment.
She enjoys learning, gardening, canning, cooking, photography, music, and singing. she also enjoys playing games, traveling, hunting, fishing, being near water, and spending quality time with friends and family.